THT Links

Teachers Helping Teachers (THT)

THT/Philippines 2009
THT/Philippines 2008: Commencing a Dynamic Partnership
Archives: Newsletter pdf files
THT Seminar at the University of Hue, Vietnam, 2008
Publish with THT
THT Links
The William Balsamo Memorial Scholarship
A Note from Dr. Pat Dougherty, THT Coordinator
THT Conferences 2009: A Call for Proposals

Here are a few important links for the Teachers Helping Teachers community:

Presidency University, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Lao-American College, Vientiane, Lao PDR

Hue University, Hue, Vietnam

Teachers Helping Teachers has worked with the following associations:

Bangladesh English Language Teachers Association

Teachers Helping Teachers is featured in two YouTube videos:

YouTube Video of the 2006 THT/BELTA Conference

The YouTube video of the 2007 Laos Conference

Teachers Helping Teachers is dedicated to the aid and assistance of fellow educators and students in the developing countries of the Asia Pacific region.